Tamemasa Mitsuro (Founder)• DMC LAB B PTE.LTD to be established (for blockchain development)
• Initiated research and development of digital twin technology.
• Filecoin's Mining Machine Development Initiates Application Development Using IPFS Technology
• Brandu Inc. Becomes CEO
• Adviser to IPFS Technical Company NONENTROPY
• Established Dream Supporters Co., Ltd. Inaugurated as CEO
Chul Jin Lee (CEO)• Co-founded by Locwork Inc.
• Japan CEO of Isao Corporation
• CEO of Total Midio Produce Inc
• Log.works Inc
Conducted a technical study of contemporary and classical art in France
Participated in innovative architectural projects in Spain
Worked in Senegal World Music Relations
Japanese Manufacturers Lead Mobile Device Development
Perform software and hardware development of metaverse technology, blockchain, AI, and robotics in India, China, and Vietnam
Participated in the development of DMCC's metaverse project
Naoki Kasahara (COO)• Transcosmos, 1998. Expanding the spread of overseas software and implementing new start/operation of comprehensive outsourcing centered on eCommerce.
• In 2006, Kasahara joined IVP as COO. Working as a project manager for developing more than 400 new systems centered on eCommerce such as TV key broadcasting stations and automakers In addition to the system development, the total amount of EC distribution exceeded 400 billion yen.
• In 2020, one of the eight award-winning companies in the world at Protocol Labs' technology pitch "Slingshot Space Race" Developing a system based on blockchain and utilizing technologies leading overseas such as IPFS, NFTs, and Raspberrypie.
Shi Hyun Lee (CMO)• CEO of GRAVITERA Blockchain Accelerator
• NFT Marketplace Artpian.com Korea CMO
• Patent Researcher at Redeem Sys, a blockchain-based donation system
• Former Token Post Marketing Director
Hiroaki Oshimi (CFO)• Watami Ltd, 2005
• At Japan's largest Izakaya chain store, Long-term involvement in improving operations and nurturing human resources
• Working on CS and marketing part of DMCC since 2022